Stephanie Lewandowski

Stephanie Lewandowski

“My hidden chaplain is a professor here in the classics department. Although I don’t know if it’s so hidden if everyone knows that she’s my hidden chaplain. I think it counts though because that’s not her job. I’ve been here for 31 years, I started in high school. She started some time after I started. At that time I worked in Classics and my son was a teenager. You can imagine the trials and tribulations of teenagers. She was definitely someone who put things into perspective for me. When you’re upset or worried about something, it’s important to have somebody who can be the opposite of that. There’s not a lot of people in your life that will tell you that you’re wrong, and I think she was able to do that in a way where my husband couldn’t do, because he was so much in it with me. And now that my son’s grown up and we have a great relationship I think in some ways she feels partially responsible for that. She reminds me occasionally, ’Remember how far we’ve come.’”

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