Marva Perdriel

Marva Perdriel

Marva Perdriel

“I’m a catering specialist for astrophysics. I’ve been with them for about 5 or 6 years. That whole department treats their employees like a family. When I think about them over there, I think of Mindy Lindman. Sometimes I meet with her on the side, we have coffee or ice cream or whatever. She helps me with a bit of my resume. She’s very positive and says, ‘You just gotta keep trying.’ She had a little daughter and I did as well. Her daughter is older than mine so she would give me some of her clothes; she said her cousins would do that in her family. She had me over at her house one day to help her with her husband’s birthday party, and I met her whole family that day. It was such a big connection. You never know how people are until you meet someone and they open their mouth. Then you see things that you have in common and you wind up being great friends, even if you come from different worlds.”

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